"Antigua Church"
Color Harmony with "Antigua Church".
If you missed my free Zoom webinar it's now available for FREE.
As in my regular workshops, I'll start with a lesson on color harmony, followed by a practical application utilizing the lesson in a painting. There is a Q+A on Zoom to answer any questions you may have.
You're invited to paint along, or sit back and enjoy the presentation. All the while Martha will be doing her nerdy techy stuff; she now has my studio looking like a spaceship!
The subject for the demo will be a beautiful church in Antigua, Guatemala, that Martha and I visited a few years back. Besides applying the color harmony lesson to my painting I'll also give you my thoughts on how I analyze a photograph, arrange the subject in a painting, add figures to the scene and much, much more...
Color Harmony with "Antigua Church".
If you missed my free Zoom webinar it's now available for FREE.
As in my regular workshops, I'll start with a lesson on color harmony, followed by a practical application utilizing the lesson in a painting. There is a Q+A on Zoom to answer any questions you may have.
You're invited to paint along, or sit back and enjoy the presentation. All the while Martha will be doing her nerdy techy stuff; she now has my studio looking like a spaceship!
The subject for the demo will be a beautiful church in Antigua, Guatemala, that Martha and I visited a few years back. Besides applying the color harmony lesson to my painting I'll also give you my thoughts on how I analyze a photograph, arrange the subject in a painting, add figures to the scene and much, much more...
Here is the photograph we will be working from in the class.